Monday, January 31, 2011

Mag Cover Types

1. Early Magazine Cover- Painting
2. The Poster Magazine- Very few words not built to work with picture. picture is the most dominate piece; visual appealing. Cool photo or famous person. Diss- Boring doesn't say much
3. Pictures Married to Type- Characteristics of the magazine is that the words don't cover the photo. Words relate to whats on the cover and tells us what we should see inside the magazine. Picture works together and helps each other out. Diss- May not be appealing to everyone No multiple points of entry.
4. In The Forest Of Words- Lots and lots of words organized in head lines and sub-headlines. The headlines are different sizes. Different colors, and has multiple points of entry. The picture is the most important, words come second. Diss-Words to Cluttered and it takes away from the actual picture

Stuff that should be on my mag cover:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Portraits and self-portrait tips and ideas

Get Closer
Anticipating Behavior, Familiar Subjects 

I really like that they caught the sky also the fields of the cranberries it was a simple but really colorful shot. The second picture is really nice because of the background.

Self Portrait
The reason i like this picture is because it's really zoomed in on the subject and also the subject is really scary looking. Also it was the only one of a million probably had the same kind of feel to it which is really cool.
Casual Portrait
To me honestly casual pictures are boring  so i only found one picture that i really liked and its mainly cause it takes me back to a time when me and my brother were outside playing in the cold and we ran around with covers to stay warm .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome Back!!

Favorite Pictures:
1. The best song of 2010 was "Blow Up"

2. I don't  know i didn't watch movies that year.
3. The Birds and Fish dying out of nowhere
4. Kobe Bryant

5. Le Bron James leaving the Cav's

1. Honestly this whole break was pretty regular for me and i think the highlight was passing all my classes.
2. Go harder! And tell others to find their passion
3. GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!